Growing up as a child, I'd hear my teacher speak always about the pen been mightier than the sword and I would sit and wonder what she meant. Nineteen years later, I have come to realise the meaning of that very phrase not because I was too dumb to know it then (of which I actually did but saw it as a way the teacher lured us to sticking to our books) but now I have a better understanding of what it truly means hence I am sharing this piece right now.

I happen to have met quite a lot of people who could be violent for no reason and well, I thought that was the way to express how I felt and joined the violent train.


When one decides to be violent about issues, it is a defensive way of getting around the particular situation you happen to find yourself. Using our country Nigeria as a case study, the government threatens the media with torture and silences them with imprisonment. Now, this is not only because they have the power to do so but then they fear the power of the media because just a single word written by a pen could expose their criminal and treacherous activities.

Recently, there was a peaceful protest by popular Charlie Boy in Abuja regarding the absence of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria- President Muhammadu Buhari and what happened next? Charlie Boy was picked up and beaten as well as other peaceful protesters attacked with tear gas just because they have placards up saying 'Our president should come back home'. This is a perfect scenario in comparison of both the 'PEN' and the 'SWORD'.


A few days later, the outcome of the peaceful protest both here in Nigeria and outside the home of President Buhari in the UK (angry Nigerians in the UK took to protest for Buhari to return home after what had happened to Charlie Boy) led President Buhari to eventually return home.

Then again, the pen always prevails over the sword for no matter how long you try to silence the media, it still speaks.

Over time, I discovered a way to getting out of using violence to end every situation I find myself in that is not in my favor.


I took up the habit of scribbling whatever I felt like at the time of my fury- from lyrics to songs, sketching a comic character all the way to even writing the full story of the situation. This was how I discovered 'self-control'.  True, we are all humans and prone to getting angered by others but the way we choose to handle it is an individual decision.

I tutored my self on how to improve my writing ability and took it up to the next level of having to write stories for kids, inspirational and educative articles as a freelance writer and here I am, a blogger of life.

Do you know you can let the world know your life story and experiences without speaking a word?

Yes, you can and this is only possible by connecting your body, mind, and soul to a piece of paper and a pen in hand. Technology has made it easier with the invention of computers and websites where you get to write for free.

Many lives have been saved just by writing hence you should be aware of the power that lies beneath written words as they can never be taken back. You either use it to make or break people.

The sword destroys but the pen builds. 

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